Friday, April 12, 2013

Ackamarackus by Julius Lester

This book is a series of silly fables about animals. the first story is about a bee named Bernard who loses his buzz while swimming in order to marry his love which is a blue bird. the second story is about some flies to learn they can go outside of their hometown and fly all over the country while boarding airplanes. the third stories about a lion who is incredibly lazy and his wife want to change him and decide to use his laziness as an exhibit. The 4th fable about an ant who feels left out because she doesn't have any thing to protect her feet from the ground after walking a long day. She encountered a snake and snake begins to bully her she find a way to get rid of the snake. I think a good lesson for the children would be to have the children make up their own silly story and have them share it with all the class .

1 comment:

  1. These stories seem like they would be great for a creative writing activity like the one you suggested; something that could be done with a group. And sharing these stories would be fun. I'm still a little confused on what you thought of these stories and if you'd recommend them. But from reading what they're about I'm also interested in reading them. Silly stories could help in the lesson of short story writing. Nice job.
