Friday, April 5, 2013

the three little pigs

This week I shared the well known "3 little pigs" book. This book is about the traditional nursery rhyme. As most of you I'm sure have read the nursery rhyme the original one this one stays just a little bit off of the same path. Each of the pigs move out of their original home and go to live on their own. They run into a man who has different sets of materials and each other and take a different set. Then a big bad wolf comes to huff and puff and blow their house down, and succeeds up until the 3rd house which is made of bricks. The wolf then tries to convince the pig to come out of this house in order to capture the pig. The story stays from the original nursery rhyme, because in this new story the big bad wolf eats the pigs, each time he blows their house down. The ending is slightly different as well. I thought eating the pigs was a little bit gruesome for children to be reading, and it would be expected for then to read it, being that it is a nursery rhyme. I'm not sure if I would recommend it for children.


  1. Hi Marissa, I think the big bad wolf eats the three little pigs in the original. The story was probably changed sometime recently to exclude the eating of the pigs. I remember my mother telling me the story as a child and she told me he ate the pigs. I agree that maybe it is a little gruesome but at least there are not graphic pictures included. At least I hope not.

  2. A good activity came to mind when I read your post that I thought would be good for children in language arts. The kids could all create a story similar to a nursery rhyme, but could change it up a litte, while leaving it similar to the original ryhme. It would be interesting to see the different creative rhymes they come up with and can share with the class.

  3. Wow! I have never heard the story where the wolf eats the three little pigs. That is definately a twist to the story. Although it is interesting how things change over time. Makayla has a great activity that would teach children many great things like imagination and the change of stories.
